Patch Notes 13.18

Table of Contents


Bard Bard

In this patch we have some nice quality of life changes for everyone,s favorite Meep collector. Our goal with these changes is to make Bard,s W feel better to use (for both himself and allies) while the passive changes should strengthen his fantasy as a roaming champion, especially when traversing large distances.

Traveler’s CallPassive – Traveler’s Call

Maximum Chime Stacks: 5 ⇒ 10

Chime Stack Duration: 7 seconds ⇒ 20 seconds

Caretaker’s ShrineW – Caretaker’s Shrine

newStacking Shrines: Caretaker,s Shrine now accumulates charges over time up to a maximum of 2 charges.

Cooldown/Stack Charge Time: 14 seconds ⇒ 18 seconds

Shrine Charge Time to Full Heal: 10 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds

Shrine Movement Speed Bonus: 30% decaying over 1.5 seconds ⇒ 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% (+0.05% AP) decaying over 1.5 seconds

Gwen Gwen

Gwen jungle (Gwungle) is in a pretty sad spot right now. Gwen top also has some room for extra power, but Gwen jungle needs a bunch. So this patch we’re taking a heavy swing into bringing Gwen jungle back as a viable magic damage carry option. Thousand Cuts is not only applied per basic attack but also on each hit of her Q, so this damage cap increase represents a substantial increase in her damage to monsters. The passive buff walks back the jungle nerf from 12.13, which should hit the magnitude we want for jungle power. Our goals are to retain top Gwen as the… top Gwen, but to have jungle be a viable alternate role.

Base Stats

Health Growth: 109 ⇒ 115

Thousand CutsPassive – Thousand Cuts

Magic Damage to Monsters: 6 (+10% AP) ⇒ 10 (+15% AP)

Irelia Irelia

Irelia isn,t currently finding much consistent success, even in higher levels of play where she usually excels. To give her some power back without directly buffing her damage, we’ll be reducing the cooldown of her ultimate. It’s currently quite high, and decreasing the cooldown should give her more windows of opportunity to all-in her opponents.

Vanguard’s EdgeR – Vanguard’s Edge

Cooldown: 140/120/100 seconds ⇒ 125/105/85 seconds

JarvanIV JarvanIV

Jarvan IV is performing very well, as he got a sizable buff from the Shojin and Goredrinker changes last patch. His most common later slot purchases are Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, and Guardian Angel which enable him to be quite durable and still deal plenty of damage. This is partially due to his passive, so we’ll be nerfing it to tone down his damage in a way that still incentivizes him to build AD.

Martial CadencePassive – Martial Cadence

Additional Physical Damage on Basic Attacks: 8% of target,s current health ⇒ 6% of target,s current health

Kassadin Kassadin

We’ve seen players ask about Kassadin’s state after his accidental buff back in 13.15 and wanted to take some time here to address this. While the change wasn’t intended, we were aware of this change immediately after it went live and decided that we are comfortable with his new power level.

RiftwalkR – Riftwalk

Magic Damage: 70/90/110 (+40% AP) (+2% maximum mana) ⇒ 70/90/110 (+60% AP) (+2% maximum mana)

Kayn Kayn

Last patch we attempted to nerf both Shadow Assassin and Darkin Kayn. While his numbers went down, we also buffed one of Darkin Kayn,s key items, which means we only achieved our goals on one of his two forms. This patch, we’re making good on our goals to weaken his Darkin form. It’s worth noting that a Kayn who’s doing well transforms around level 8, and the old version of his Darkin passive scaled from level 1. This change makes the healing more clear and ultimately nerfs his late game.

The Darkin ScythePassive – The Darkin Scythe

Darkin Bonus: Rhaast – Healing: 20-30% (based on level) of physical damage dealt to champions ⇒ 25% of physical damage dealt to champions

Umbral TrespassR – Umbral Trespass

Darkin Version Damage Dealt: 15% (+13% per 100 bonus AD) of target,s maximum health ⇒ 15% (+10% per 100 bonus AD) of target,s maximum health (Note: still heals for 65% of the tooltip damage)

Kennen Kennen

Kennen hasn,t been very shocking in solo queue, so we,re looking to get him into a better spot this patch. We’ll be buffing his uptime instead of his damage, as he already deals a reasonable amount of it. Firstly, we’ll be decreasing the energy cost of his E. Since he maxes it last, it’s left at the initial cost of 100 energy for a large portion of the game. Decreasing the energy cost should allow Kennen to use it more frequently to shove waves, trade, engage, and escape. Secondly, we’ll be reducing the late game cooldown of his ultimate, as Kennen heavily relies on it to be impactful during teamfights.

Lightning RushE – Lightning Rush

Energy Cost: 100/95/90/85/80 ⇒ 80 at all ranks

Slicing MaelstromR – Slicing Maelstrom

Cooldown: 120 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds

Rell Rell

Rell has been quite strong recently. In Pro play, she’s been played equally as a support and a jungler, while in solo queue she’s primarily been a support. However, even if she,s not as popular in the jungle at the moment, we do plan on continuing to support her viability there. That said, she’s deserving of nerfs right now and there’s no way to lower her support power level without hitting the jungle as well. It’s important to us that Rell lives up to her fantasy as the fastest support champion, but right now the counterplay is basically, “Do you have Headbutt or Flay?” and we’d like to soften that somewhat.

Full TiltE – Full Tilt

Bonus Movement Speed (Away from Enemies): 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% ⇒ 12/14/16/18/20%

Bonus Movement Speed (Towards Enemies): 30/35/40/45/50% ⇒ 24/28/32/36/40%

Senna Senna

Way back when Senna was released, we incorporated a critical strike ratio reduction as she was expected to do too well with crit items. However, in the current state of the game Senna is actually considerably weaker when opting to itemize crit. Now that we don,t have reservations with Senna being too powerful when building crit, we,re comfortable removing this penalty from her kit. We,re also including a passive application buff to her W as a nice feels good change for when you,re able to land the snare on multiple enemies.

AbsolutionPassive – Absolution

removedCritical Strike Ratio Reduction: No longer reduces critical strike damage by 8.5%

Last EmbraceW – Last Embrace

Area of Effect Effect: Enemies hit with Last Embrace,s AoE snare are now afflicted with a stack of Mist from Senna,s passive.

Thresh Thresh

Thresh is a bit weak right now and is a fan favorite, both to play and to watch. It’s important that Thresh is able to participate both as an offensive and defensive support. He’s got plenty of kill threat and lock down, so this change is to ensure he has strong defensive outputs, too.

Dark PassageW – Dark Passage

Shield Strength: 50/70/90/110/130 (+1.5 per soul) ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130 (+2 per soul)

Tryndamere Tryndamere

After the changes in the last patch Tryndamere definitely found success with his new attack range. While we did overshoot on release, we believe this is a step in the right direction for him long term because it provides an interesting skill test for players in the form of managing spacing. Previously, this test looked more like “can I get on top of the enemy?” and after that it became a matter of stat checking them. Going forward we,re looking to balance Tryndamere at 175 attack range which should allow us to move power out of pure damage and into other components of his kit that reward smart plays.

Base Stats

Health Growth: 115 ⇒ 108

Base Attack Damage: 68 ⇒ 66

Xayah Xayah

Xayah has been dominating Pro play recently, and she,s also performing well in high levels of play in solo queue. Since Xayah has the most defensive ultimate out of any of our ADCs, we’ll be targeting her early game to give her opponents more of a counterplay window while keeping what makes her unique. To accomplish this, we’ll be nerfing her base health and buffing her health growth, which will make her more vulnerable early, but will be a buff to her when she’s expected to have more survivability post level 6. We’ll also be increasing the early cooldown of her E, as this is an ability that’s especially utilized in high levels of play. Our goal here is to reduce its power in lane but ensure it’s still just as strong once she purchases Navori.

Base Stats

Base Health: 660 ⇒ 630

Health Growth: 102 ⇒ 107

BladecallerE – Bladecaller

Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds ⇒ 13/12/11/10/9 seconds


Crown of the Shattered Queen Crown of the Shattered Queen

Ability Power: 70 ⇒ 85

Safeguard: 75% damage reduction for 1.5 seconds ⇒ 40% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds

removedPoise Break: Crown will no longer provide 10-40 AP while the shield holds

Spear of Shojin Spear of Shojin

Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 55

Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv

Attack Damage: 45 ⇒ 50

Electroshock Minion Damage: 250-350 ⇒ 200

Stormrazor Stormrazor

Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

Clash–ixtal cup

  • Registration Begins: September 11 @ 11:00 AM (Local Time)
  • Tournament Days: September 16 and 17 (~4-7 PM Local, varies by region)

Champion ability icon updates

  • Blitzcrank
  • Graves
  • Janna
  • Jarvan IV
  • Jayce
  • Lee Sin
  • Leona
  • Malphite
  • Nami
  • Olaf
  • Orianna
  • Varus
  • Vayne
  • Zed

Mythic shop rotation

now available

Prestige Star Guardian Ekko

Prestige Pulsefire Lucian

Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo

Prestige Battle Queen Diana

Hextech Kog,Maw

Hextech Swain

Crystalis Motus Taliyah

Reclaimed Chroma (Crystalis Motus Taliyah) + Icon (Note: Crystalis Motus Taliyah Emote will be added in Patch 13.19.)

Mythic Chroma Star Guardian Jinx

Prestige Immortal Journey Sona

Prestige Anima Squad Jinx

Prestige True Damage Yasuo

Prestige Mecha Kingdoms Garen

Prestige High Noon Talon

Mythic Chroma PROJECT Ashe

Mythic Chroma Battle Academia Ezreal

Crystalis Motus Leona

Reclaimed Chroma Crystalis Motus Leona + Icon

Deep Focus (Crystalis Motus Leona Emote)

leaving the mythic shop

Prestige Immortal Journey Sona

Prestige Anima Squad Jinx

Prestige True Damage Yasuo

Prestige Mecha Kingdoms Garen

Prestige High Noon Talon

Mythic Chroma PROJECT Ashe

Mythic Chroma Battle Academia Ezreal

Crystalis Motus Leona

Reclaimed Chroma Crystalis Motus Leona + Icon

Deep Focus (Crystalis Motus Leona Emote)

Bugfixes and qol changes


Fixed a bug that caused Orianna,s auto attacks to cancel when her ball snaps back to her location.

Fixed a bug that caused Drakes to ignore damage from Ivern.

Fixed a bug where Naafiri,s W could target enemy Little Legends on Howling Abyss. Normally we,re okay with champs fighting it out, but NO ONE hurts my lil extra spicy Pengu.

Fixed a bug that was causing Janna,s new ability icons, buffs and debuffs to appear properly.

Fixed a bug that would cause Kog,Maw to have 2.5x attack speed while dead.

Fixed a bug that caused Jarvan IV,s R – Cataclysm to stop unstoppable units.

Fixed a bug that would allow champions to buy Mythic components/items when they already had a Catalyst of Aeons in their inventory.

Fixed a bug that caused K,Sante,s R – All Out to not correctly convert percentage bonus resists into attack damage.

Fixed a bug that caused Zoe,s W – Spell Thief to not be able to use Stridebreaker and Goredrinker.

Fixed a bug that caused Aphelios to twitch during his weapon,s idle animations.

Fixed a bug that caused Rift Herald to be leashable for a longer range than intended.

Fixed a bug that caused Hextech and Chemtech Drake,s sound effects to be audible through the Fog of War.

Fixed a bug that caused Hextech Dragon Soul,s sound effects to be audible through the Fog of War.

Fixed a bug that caused Lucian,s R – Culling to not proc his W – Ardent Blaze,s movement speed bonus.

Fixed a bug that caused Ezreal,s W – Essence Flux to not proc when non-attack spells are used against a dodge.

Fixed a bug that allowed Udyr,s E – Blazing Stampede to be able to be immediately reapplied to a target if the attack was spellshielded.

Fixed a bug that was causing Drake,s knock back to be attributed to a specific team which would result in situations like Fiora being unable to W – Parry it.

Fixed a bug that caused Neeko,s KDA to change based on the unit she was disguised as.

Upcoming skins and chromas

Street Demons Briar



Street Demons Neeko



Street Demons Dr. Mundo



Street Demons Zyra



Street Demons Brand



Street Demons Rengar



Crystalis Motus Taliyah



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