Patch Notes 13.15

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Aatrox Aatrox

The Aatrox buffs from last patch went a bit aa-wry, so we,re back to tone it down a little. This nerf is meant to dial back some of the big damage numbers he got last patch without changing the much-needed wave clear buff he received.

The Darkin BladeQ – The Darkin Blade

First Cast Damage: 10/25/40/55/70 (+60/70/80/90/100% AD) ⇒ 10/25/40/55/70 (+60/67.5/75/82.5/90% AD) (Note: The second cast of Q will still deal 25% more than base damage and the third cast will still deal 50% more.)

Caitlyn Caitlyn

Caitlyn hasn,t been hitting the mark in terms of her current power levels, so we,re here to put some more gunpowder (Hextech?) in her rifle to give her shots some more kick. We,re primarily focusing on making Caitlyn scale better with her crit-based builds this patch, particularly in her passive and ultimate crit chance scaling. While she won,t be able to gain lane advantages with these changes, she,ll be better able to keep up with her competition when it comes to scaling with items.

HeadshotPassive – Headshot

Critical Strike Rate Coefficient: 1.2 ⇒ 1.3 (Note: this will grant +27 base damage at 100% critical strike chance)

Ace in the HoleR – Ace in the Hole

Critical Strike Chance to Damage Ratio: 2.5% additional damage per 10% critical strike chance ⇒ 3.5% additional damage per 10% critical strike chance

Camille Camille

Camille hasn,t been the sharpest legs in the shed recently, and since she hasn,t been seen much in Pro play either, we,re looking to get some more power back into her kit. We’ll be increasing her AD growth and the amount of damage she deals during her ultimate to give her more of an opportunity to secure kills both in side lanes and in teamfights.

Base Stats

Attack Damage Growth: 3.5 ⇒ 3.8

The Hextech UltimatumR – The Hextech Ultimatum

Base Bonus Magic Damage per Attack: 5/10/15 ⇒ 20/30/40

Gwen Gwen

Gwen needs some help at the moment, and we,re here to throw her a metaphorical lifeline (of yarn).. Her damage is already in a good spot so we want to focus on helping her early game, particularly into her more difficult matchups, by increasing her durability. These changes should help Gwen trade better into tough opponents, especially when she,s using her Hallowed Mist well.

Base Stats

Health Regeneration per 5 seconds: 8.5 ⇒ 9

Hallowed MistW – Hallowed Mist

Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: 17/19/21/23/25 (+7% AP) ⇒ 22/24/26/28/30 (+7% AP)

Ivern Ivern

Ivern has a unique place in League of Legends as an enchanter jungler and as such, we believe enchanter should be his primary build. His high-AP builds should be viable, but are currently significantly better than his supportive ones. Nerfs to his E AP ratio and buffs to its base shielding, nerfs to Daisy’s AP ratio for bonus AD (we do not think Daisy should be able to duke it out with other champs 1v1), and buffs to his teammate-amping W should shift his builds and playstyle toward supportive options and away from Night Harvester.In addition, Ivern is simply overpowered. Along with the above changes, his Magic Resist is being re-tuned to that of a ranged champion and Daisy’s duration is shortened to match Tibbers. 45 seconds is still enough time to be worth micromanaging her out of harm’s way but will typically keep her from having 100% uptime.Finally, Daisy,s overall durability is being shifted for two reasons: First, Smite will no longer deal high damage to pets, which necessitates nerfing her durability somewhat. Second, her durability is being shifted from rank-based to champion-level-based. This is because the game state at level 6 is very different from the game state at level 10, yet pets rarely have meaningful differences in durability between those two points in time.

Base Stats

Magic Resistance: 32 (+2.05 per level) ⇒ 30 (+1.3 per level) (Note: this is typical for other ranged champions)

BrushmakerW – Brushmaker

Ally On-Hit Damage: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 (+10% of Ivern’s AP) ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30 (+10% of Ivern’s AP)

TriggerseedE – Triggerseed

Shield Strength: 80/115/150/185/220 (+75% AP) ⇒ 85/125/165/205/245 (+50% AP) (Note: this will be a buff until Ivern,s gets 20/40/60/80/100 AP)

Daisy!R – Daisy!

Duration: 60 seconds ⇒ 45 seconds

Armor and Magic Resistance: 20/50/100 (+5% AP) ⇒ 30-90 (levels 6-18)

Health: 1300/2600/3900 (+50% AP) ⇒ 1000-4400 (levels 6-18, nonlinear scaling) (+50% AP) (Note: this is approximately a 5% durability decrease)

Daisy! Attack Damage: 70/100/130 (+30% AP) ⇒ 70/100/130 (+15% AP) (Note: final shockwave damage is unchanged)

Kai'Sa Kai’Sa

Kai’Sa has skyrocketed in popularity and currently has a wealth of viable build options. Her AD builds like Kraken plus Quickblades are a little too strong and her high-AP ones are quite a bit over the line, which have made her a very powerful bot laner. We’re delivering a small nerf to some of her AP outputs, plus a more generic nerf with the hope that she continues to have multiple viable builds and remains fun to play.

Base Stats

Base Health: 670 ⇒ 640

Icathian RainQ – Icathian Rain

Damage per Missile: 40/55/70/85/100 (+50% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) ⇒ 40/55/70/85/100 (+50% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP)

Maximum Single-Target Damage (Unevolved): 90/123.75/157.5/191.25/225 (+112.5% bonus AD) (+67.5% AP) ⇒ 90/123.75/157.5/191.25/225 (+112.5% bonus AD) (+45% AP)

Maximum Single-Target Damage (Evolved): 150/206.25/262.5/318.75/375 (+187.5% bonus AD) (+112.5% AP) ⇒ 150/206.25/262.5/318.75/375 (+187.5% bonus AD) (+75% AP)

Void SeekerW – Void Seeker

Cooldown Reduction after Evolution: 77% ⇒ 75% (Note: this is functionally an 8.7% cooldown increase on hit)

Maokai Maokai

Maokai has been overgrowing his welcome in Pro this season but is standing in a good place in solo queue. This tree is already at a good level when it comes to cc,ing his enemies during ganks and teamfights, so we,re looking to slow down his jungle clear speed a bit this patch instead.

Bramble SmashQ – Bramble Smash

Bonus Damage to Monsters: 100/120/140/160/180 ⇒ 80/100/120/140/160

Nami Nami

Since our last set of changes, Nami has become a strong, independent fish that doesn,t need a Lucian anymore. Now that she isn,t soul bound to Lucian we feel more comfortable adding some power back into her kit, namely by increasing the movement speed she can offer to allies and giving slightly more damage on her Q. We wanted to be very careful with W and E, which are her primary support tools, so instead we went with a reliable way to help others with movement speed. We,re also adding a little more satisfaction on hitting her more difficult spell, which gives her some more power early where we believe she should still be a dominant support in lane.

Surging TidesPassive – Surging Tides

Bonus Movement Speed: 90 (+20% AP) ⇒ 100 (+25% AP)

Aqua PrisonQ – Aqua Prison

Magic Damage: 75/130/185/240/295 (+50% AP) ⇒ 90/145/200/255/310 (+50% AP)

Rell Rell

Rell’s Midscope has been charging down bot and jungle for some time now. Some bugs, consistency issues, and quality of life opportunities have cropped up, which is what we’re addressing this patch.Her Q + Flash used to work similarly to other skillshots like Ahri E, where after the flash it would go to the location you originally targeted, adjusting the angle as needed. This has its pros and cons, but leads to a number of instances where Rell ends up Qing backward or at an entirely different angle than expected, especially after flashing a wall, which could throw players off. Additionally, her W2 attack was feeling sluggish and a bit unresponsive, so we’re smoothing that out a bit. Finally, there was some inconsistency in how her Passive was applied between her spells and auto attacks, which we’re resolving now.

Break the MoldPassive – Break the Mold

Consistency is Key: All spells and auto attacks now apply the damage first, THEN apply the passive. (Note: Previously Q, W2, and R would apply passive, then damage, but E and auto attacks would do the opposite.)

Shattering StrikeQ – Shattering Strike

Q Flash Interaction: Q maintains the original target location after flashing ⇒ Q maintains the absolute direction after flashing. (Note: This should feel more intuitive and in line with expected outcomes.)

Ferromancy: Mount UpW – Ferromancy: Mount Up

QoL Change: Increased dash speed before the flip once she’s locked onto a target. This should both solve some bugs and make the ability feel quicker and more responsive.

Monster Mounting Maneuver: Fixed a bug that was causing Rell,s W – Mount Up to not apply bonus damage to Epic monsters.

Sejuani Sejuani

Sejuani, like Maokai, has been a top tier Pro jungler this season and it’s about time for her to give the spotlight to another jungler. We’ll be nerfing her W base damage, which is especially valuable in Pro play due to the effect it has on her clear speed and early skirmishing.

Winter’s WrathW – Winter’s Wrath

Initial Cast Damage: 20/25/30/35/40 (+20% AP) (+2% of maximum health) ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30 (+20% AP) (+2% of maximum health)

Second Cast Damage: 30/70/110/150/190 (+60% AP) (+6% of maximum health) ⇒ 20/60/100/140/180 (+60% AP) (+6% of maximum health)

Shyvana Shyvana

Shyvana,s last round of changes were a bit too fire, so we,re back to dampen her flames ever so slightly. Shyvana has historically always done better at lower MMRs, but her recent changes increased the skill skew even moreso. With this batch of changes we,re looking to even out this skill skew a bit by reducing some base stats which will make her a bit weaker in the late game where she can afford to lose some power, but not affect her already weak clear speed.

Base Stats

Attack Damage Growth: 3.4 per level ⇒ 3 per level

Health Growth: 109 per level ⇒ 104 per level

Taliyah Taliyah

Taliyah hasn,t been rocking anyone,s world recently, which is a shame because that,s literally her identity. We currently feel as though Taliyah has room for a small buff to both her mid and jungle roles, especially when it comes to early game damage and frequency, both of which these changes should help bolster.

Threaded VolleyQ – Threaded Volley

Magic Damage: 45/65/85/105/125 (+50% AP) ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130 (+50% AP)

Unraveled EarthE – Unraveled Earth

Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds

Damage to Monsters Modifier: 150% ⇒ 175%

Yasuo Yasuo

Yasuo hasn’t fully recovered from the Midseason update that removed Immortal Shieldbow as a viable early option. We’re continuing the trend of giving him enough durability to survive early and mid-game fights without having to rely on Blade of the Ruined King or Death’s Dance, which go against his core fantasy of wielding crit. The change in this patch ends up being a 30-50% larger shield in the mid game, even if level 1 and 18 are unchanged.

Way of the WandererPassive – Way of the Wanderer

Shield Strength: 125-600 (based on level) ⇒ 125-600 (now mirrors base stat scaling)

Yone Yone

Yone is currently not performing so well in solo queue. Similar to Yasuo, he lost Immortal Shieldbow as an early purchase, which gave him much-needed survivability. We’ll be increasing his W shield to help him trade better in lane and to also improve his general durability throughout the game.

Mortal SteelQ – Mortal Steel

Shield Strength: 45-65 (based on level) (+65% bonus AD) ⇒ 60-80 (based on level) (+75% bonus AD)

Annie Annie

Summon TibbersR – Summon Tibbers

Armor and Magic Resistance: 30/60/90 (+5% AP) ⇒ 30-90 (levels 6-18)

Health: 1300/2200/3100 (+75% AP) ⇒ 1150-3500 (+50% AP) (levels 6-18, nonlinear scaling) (Note: this is approximately a 5-10% durability decrease)

Heimerdinger Heimerdinger

H-28Q Apex TurretR – H-28Q Apex Turret

Turret Health: 850-1450 (based on level) (+25-200% (based on level) AP) ⇒ 725-1525 (based on level) (+50% AP)

Turret Armor: 10-80 (based on level) ⇒ 30-90 (based on level)

Turret Magic Resistance: 25-65 (based on level) ⇒ 30-90 (based on level)

Yorick Yorick

Eulogy of the IslesR – Eulogy of the Isles

newComeback Queen: Maiden of the Mist will now regenerate 2.5 health per second

newMaiden,s Armor and Magic Resistance: 0 ⇒ 10-50 (levels 6-18, nonlinear scaling)

Health: 350/1100/3300 (+75% of Yorick,s maximum health) ⇒ 400-1950 (levels 6-18, nonlinear scaling) (+60% of Yorick,s maximum health)



Night Harvester Night Harvester

Soulrend Activation Condition: Damaging an enemy champion ⇒ Damaging an enemy champion with an attack, ability, or pet damage (Note: items will no longer proc Night Harvester)


Glacial Augment Glacial Augment

Icy Zone Slow: 30% (+3% per 100 AP) (+4% per 100 bonus AD) (+9% per 10% heal and shield power) ⇒ 20% (+6% per 100 AP) (+7% per 100 bonus AD) (+9% per 10% heal and shield power)

Arena balance adjustments

Aram adjustments


Hecarim: 95% Damage Taken ⇒ 90% Damage Taken

Darius: 100% Damage Dealt ⇒ 105% Damage Dealt

Lucian: 0 Ability Haste ⇒ 10 Ability Haste

Amumu: 105% Damage Taken ⇒ 100% Damage Taken

Corki: 0 Ability Haste ⇒ 10 Ability Haste

Pantheon: 100% Damage Dealt ⇒ 105% Damage Dealt


Lissandra: 100% Damage Taken ⇒ 105% Damage Taken

Aatrox: 95% Damage Taken ⇒ 100% Damage Taken

Singed: 105% Damage Taken ⇒ 110% Damage Taken

Teemo: 90% Damage Dealt ⇒ 85% Damage Dealt

Zyra: 0 Ability Haste ⇒ -20 Ability Haste

Nasus: 95% Damage Dealt ⇒ 90% Damage Dealt

Lillia: 105% Damage Taken ⇒ 110% Damage Taken

Swain: 90% Healing Done ⇒ 80% Healing Done

Pyke: 90% Damage Taken ⇒ 95% Damage Taken


Fixed a bug that was causing Gangplank to not gain Silver Serpents passively.

Bugfixes and qol changes


Event Passes are now giftable from the Gifting Center! They can be found under “Send a Hextech Crafting gift to a friend.”

Event Pass Mission progress for Arena has been adjusted from 6 points per minute for wins and 4 points per minute for losses to a placement-based system: 6 points for 1st, 4 points for 2nd, 3 points for 3rd, and 2 points for 4th place.

Upcoming skins and chromas

Prestige Soul Fighter Shaco


Soul Fighter Evelynn



Soul Fighter Gwen



Soul Fighter Jhin



Soul Fighter Shaco



Soul Fighter Viego



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