LoL Battle in the Ice

Patch Notes 13.17

Patch Notes 13.17 Table of Contents Champions Aatrox Akshan Blitzcrank Elise Gnar Hecarim Kayn Kha’Zix Kindred Lux Naafiri Orianna Quinn Samira Tryndamere TwistedFate Vex Vi Xerath XinZhao ZoeItems Bloodthirster Duskblade of Draktharr Evenshroud Goredrinker Immortal Shieldbow Spear of Shojin Statikk Shiv StridebreakerRunes Future’s MarketOthersbugfixes and qol changesupcoming skins and chromasChampions Aatrox Patch Notes: Aatrox,s most…