LoL Battle Vi and Blue Sentinel

Impact – Patch 14.10

Hi all,Data will be for 14.9 -> 14.10.Last update (UTC): 2024-06-01 15:58EST: 2024-06-01 11:58 / PT: 2024-06-01 08:58 If you want to find out first about a new post: Twitter: ADeadMansName Buffs Corki mid Skarner top Tryndamere top K’Sante top Sett top Lord Dominik’s Regards (3) Rapid Firecannon (3) Mortal Reminder (3) Warmog’s Armor (2)…

LoL Battle versus Baron Nashor

Impact – Patch 14.1

Hi all, Data will be for 13.24b -> 14.1.Last update (UTC): 2024-01-15 11:09EST: 2024-01-15 06:09 / PT: 2024-01-15 03:09 If you want to find out first about a new post: Twitter: ADeadMansName Buffs Nerfs Hwei midBuffs indirect XinZhao jgl Singed top Teemo top Fizz mid Mordekaiser top Diana mid Jax jgl Aphelios bot Bard sup…

Impact – Patch 13.24b

Hi all, Data will be for 13.23 -> 13.24b.Last update (UTC): 2024-01-10 10:49EST: 2024-01-10 05:49 / PT: 2024-01-10 02:49 If you want to find out first about a new post: Twitter: ADeadMansName Buffs Azir mid Galio mid Lucian bot Corki mid K’Sante top Zeri bot Qiyana mid Leona sup Gragas jgl Warwick jgl Naafiri mid…

Impact – Patch 13.24

Hi all, Data will be for 13.23 -> 13.24.Last update (UTC): 2023-12-13 10:55EST: 2023-12-13 05:55 / PT: 2023-12-13 02:55 If you want to find out first about a new post: Twitter: ADeadMansName Buffs Galio mid Lucian bot Leona sup Azir mid Gragas jgl Zeri bot K’Sante top Qiyana mid Braum sup Mordekaiser top Talon midNerfs…

LoL Battle versus Baron Nashor

Impact – Patch 13.21

Hi all, Data will be for 13.20 -> 13.21.Last update (UTC): 2023-11-08 12:32EST: 2023-11-08 07:32 / PT: 2023-11-08 04:32 If you want to find out first about a new post: Twitter: ADeadMansName Buffs K’Sante top TahmKench top Hecarim jgl Bel’Veth jgl MasterYi jgl LeBlanc mid Morgana jgl Varus bot Seraphine supNerfs Rammus jgl Dr.Mundo top…

Impact – Patch 13.20

Hi all, Data will be for 13.19 -> 13.20.Last update (UTC): 2023-10-13 22:58EST: 2023-10-13 18:58 / PT: 2023-10-13 15:58 If you want to find out first about a new post: Twitter: ADeadMansName Buffs Jinx bot Milio sup Ziggs mid Morgana sup Galio mid Youmuu’s Ghostblade (1) Fleet Footwork Summon Aery Dark Harvest First StrikeNerfs Bel’Veth…