Impact – Patch 25.1.1

Hi all,Data will be for 14.24 -> 25.1.1.Last update (UTC): 2025-01-10 21:33EST: 2025-01-10 16:33 / PT: 2025-01-10 13:33 Buffs Kalista bot Twitch botNerfs Ashe bot Warmog’s Armor (2) Unending Despair (2)Buffs indirect Cassiopeia mid Amumu jgl Urgot top Miss Fortune bot Zoe mid Singed top Samira bot Vladimir mid Olaf top Corki bot Xin Zhao…

Impact – Patch 14.8

Hi all,Data will be for 14.7 -> 14.8.Last update (UTC): 2024-05-01 09:47EST: 2024-05-01 05:47 / PT: 2024-05-01 02:47 If you want to find out first about a new post: Twitter: ADeadMansName Buffs Skarner jgl Jhin bot Ryze mid Sylas jgl Galio mid LeBlanc mid Akali mid Jarvan IV jgl Draven botNerfs Azir mid Briar jgl…

Impact – Patch 14.5

Hi all,Data will be for 14.4 -> 14.5.Last update (UTC): 2024-03-20 10:11EST: 2024-03-20 06:11 / PT: 2024-03-20 03:11 If you want to find out first about a new post:Twitter: ADeadMansName Buffs Kog’Maw bot Rek’Sai jgl Wukong jgl Seraphine sup Sivir bot Veigar mid Vex mid Zac jgl Sunfire Aegis (1) Celestial Opposition (1) Heartsteel (1)…